Monday, August 31, 2009

Building a Wind Generator - The 4 Most Important Parts you Must Build Correctly

By Brad Bretz

There are many companies today who not only supply but will install wind generators for you. However, to be completely honest, most of these professionally installed systems are pretty expensive. If you are looking for a way to provide additional power to your home, but your budget is limited, then you should consider building a wind generator yourself.

You may not realize it, but building a wind generator yourself could end up only costing you around $100 - $200, rather than thousands and will be a very wise investment indeed. This one small investment in turn could end up saving you thousands of dollars on what you electricity bills would normally be.

What you may also have not discovered until now is that when you are thinking of building a wind generator for your home is that the parts you need can easily be bought online or at your local hardware store. So if you were concerned that getting the parts was going to be difficult then think again.

But before you do start building your own wind generator there are a number of things you need to take into consideration first. Below we look at just what some of these things are. If you keep these tips in mind it will help to ensure that you build a wind turbine system that will last a very long time.

Tip 1: The Base - You need to provide your wind generator with a firm sturdy base that provides sufficient support for it. The best material from which the base should be constructed is concrete, as this will allow the supports of the wind generator to be held firmly in place no matter how fast and strong the wind is blowing.

Tip 2: The Tower - The tower itself is best made from metal, however you can construct it from plywood, but you need to ensure that you use the thickest plywood possible. This will ensure that the tower is sturdy andcan cope with the effects of wind blowing against it.

Tip 3: The Blades - You can make the blades for your wind generator yourself, but ensure that they can move easily and won't be hindered by any other part of the construction. In fact, for those who are building a wind generator for the first time, purchasing premade quality blades will be your best option as this will ensure that they are able to create the amount of energy needed to meet one's power requirements.

Should you decide to make your own blades you should create them using PVC or plywood. It is important that the size of the blades is in equal proportion to the size of the tower you have constructed. If you make the blades too big then the tower won't be strong enough to hold them up, whilst if they are too small then they aren't going to be able to return the levels of energy that you need to power your home.

Tip 4: The Gear Box - It is important that when building a wind generator you think about the kind of gearbox you are going to be building or buying. If it is of an inferior quality then you risk a chance that the blades will not turn as freely as they should and the levels of energy produced by them is going to be much less than you need.

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The Basics Of Residential Wind Power

By David Glen

Anywhere that there are relatively strong winds is a good candidate for a wind energy system to partially or even totally replace the power from your local utility. A residential wind turbine can help you to meet the energy needs of your home or business, significantly reducing costs. These turbines may be and often are used along with a solar power system, since many of the parts needed for one are also used for the other. A wind turbine is installed on a tower and transforms the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy which may be used to provide power in the home.

The majority of homes which have a residential wind power system use power from the local utility company in addition to their wind turbines. The reason for this is that most wind turbines have a cut-in speed (usually 7 to ten mph). If the wind speed falls below this, then power must be drawn from the local grid. When the wind is moving faster than the cut-in speed, then the turbines begin supplying electricity to the home, reducing the need for electricity from the utility company. If you generate more power than you use, it can be fed back into the power grid - and your utility company will pay you for it!

Small-scale wind systems for remote applications function rather differently. The wind turbine normally lessens electricity bills by half and it's not unusual for wind turbine owners with total-electric homes to have lesser monthly utility bills. The amount of money a small wind turbine will depend upon its cost, the chunk of electricity used, the average wind speed at the site, and other factors pertaining to its usage.

A wind power system is dependent on the average wind speed in the area where it is installed. Homeowners will find that their turbines yield the best results when installed in areas which see average wind speeds of 10 mph and up.

However, home owners don't usually need to take measurements of wind speed in order to use residential wind power systems. This data is already freely available without having to do your own tests; though you may want to look up the average wind speed in your area before you install. If you happen to live somewhere which has enough wind to make a residential wind turbine cost effective, then you may go ahead and install the residential wind turbine in confidence.

Residential wind systems are quiet and don't interfere with television or other electronic signals and can be installed with relative ease. Your local utility may even install an additional meter in your home to measure the excess electricity your wind power system is feeding back into the power grid.

Complete, ready to install wind turbine systems are readily available, though homeowners can also choose to buy the necessary parts and install it themselves. Purchasing a ready to install system costs a bit more but comes with more comprehensive support if needed. Installing a wind turbine on one's own requires a little more technical know-how, but also a significant savings over a ready to install system. People interested in a residential wind power system should look into the pros and cons of each option for themselves to choose which is best for their needs.

Installing wind power generation at home also helps the environment. Wind turbines generate no pollution and by means of wind power, they can counterbalance tons of air pollutants and greenhouse gases which all cause climate change.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Make Solar Power At Home And Stick It To Big Energy Corporations

By Cecil Buckingham

The sun is the most abundant source of energy on the planet and nuclear fusion is expected to continue in the sun for another 10 billion years. With minimal effort, anyone can learn how to make solar power by capturing light from the sun.

Why is solar power better than other forms of energy production?

The solar energy solution is gaining popularity amongst the alternate energy solutions.

Solar power is one of the few, totally green solutions available to us today. What this means is that solar power does not use another fuel in order to work. It simple converts light from the sun into energy. Nothing bad is released into the atmosphere in order to generate solar power.

Cheaper solution: First, the energy comes free. Then, the installation cost is a one-time cost. Finally, if you make your solar power system at home and install it yourself, the investment is recovered within a few months of installation (longer depending on how big your solar power system is), making the power generated by solar energy free.

Storing energy: It is not possible to store power from your power company but you can store solar power to use in the future. Even at night, the energy you stored from your solar panels into a battery bank will provide you with power 24 hours a day. This means that when your neighbors have a power outage, you won't because you have a battery bank powering your home. Imagine how jealous your neighbors will feel when they see only your house has lights and a TV on while they stand outside in the dark.

Low on maintenance costs. Solar energy systems are easy to maintain. They do not involve high costs or too much effort, thus letting you reap the benefits of the solution comfortably.

How can we start using solar power? Solar energy can be used in our everyday lives by using the following solar power systems:

Solar cooking system: Solar cooking lets you cook without a fire or using electricity! I know what you are wondering. But before you wonder, let me put your mind at ease and dispel some of the rumors about solar ovens. You can cook light a regular oven (boil, roast, or bake). The only demand that solar cooking makes of you is being patient; a conventional oven heats up faster. However, this slower time is more than offset by the advantages of not having to pay your gas or electricity bill! There are even some studies coming out that show solar ovens are healthier than conventional gas ovens or the microwave.

Solar power system: You can use all the appliances in your home and leave all your lights on whenever you want without having to pay anything extra. Some people think that a solar power energy system only works at night but that is not true. Your solar panels produce energy during the day that is stored in a battery bank that can be used to power everything at night.

Solar heating: You can warm your home during the winter with a solar heater and not have to worry about high heating costs.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

A DIY Solar Panel System That Breaks Dependency On Oil

By Lance Jensen

Has a dumpster diver created a DIY solar system that brings affordable energy to all?

An ordinary citizen, albeit brilliant, has solved the energy crisis and our dependency on oil. He has created a 6 kwh solar system one can make at home for under $5,500. If a 6 kwh system was build with PV panels, it would cost about $80,000 to install.

After 20 years of the U.S. Department of Energy funneling tax paying dollars to big oil companies like Exxon and Chevron, neither of them could come up with a solution as cheap and as powerful as this. What a scam! The U.S. Department of Energy and big oil do not want this kind of solution to hit mainstream America because they can not make money off of it. The U.S. Department of Energy wants to be able to tax a solution, while big oil wants to keep you as a dependent customer. They can not stand a solution that involves you producing your own energy from the sun.

The billionaire oil executives in America will not let a DIY homemade solution hit mainstream America. They do not want you empowered and able to produce your own electricity simply by pulling it from free light.

The truth gets much darker than this. The oil trade is killing average people in Nigeria, Burma, and other countries. Nigeria and Burma are just two countries in which big oil has brought great harm and death to average people. Big oil is telling the Nigerian government where they want their luxury houses to be built. The government is sending in bulldozers to remove entire neighborhoods of poor people. They are even destroying churches. You can find videos of what is happening in Nigeria courtesy of YouTube.

Nigeria is only a portion of the cruelty to people in the name of profits for big oil. The U.N. Security Council has condemned the Burmese military junta for its treatment of its people. All companies have left the region except for Chevron. While the pipe line was being built, supervised by oil executives, the Burmese military junta forced villagers along the pipeline into slavery. Here are a Burmese citizens own words, "When there was no pipeline, there were no problems with soldiers. No soldiers came to this area. The soldiers came when we were harvesting rice. After the pipeline reached our village, we were told we had to work for the white people at gun point. We were forced by the soldiers into slavery. If we said we had to plant rice and would not do work for the white people, they said they would kill us and all our children. Because of the white people, our home was destroyed and the men had to run into the jungle or be killed. Many were killed. My husband escaped into the jungle. I waited for him to come back. While I was waiting, a soldier walked up to me and hit me with his rifle. I hit my head on a stone when I fell and lost consciousness. When I awoke, my baby had been burned alive in a fire. She did not cry. Her body was burned and all black."

Now keep in mind that an average, ordinary American, albeit very intelligent, created an affordable DIY solar power system. The U.S. Department of Energy has been giving big oil companies like Chevron millions of dollars each year of tax payers money to create an alternative energy solution to break us from our dependency on oil. It sounds like big oil has been running a tax payers scam using the U.S. Department of Energy as the vehicle. During the Bush Administration and Republican control, the Department of Energy was staffed with pro big oil corporate executives and lobbyists. They have come up with very little and yet here is an ordinary citizen without any kind of multi-million dollar tax payer funded research budget, and he has created an affordable solar energy solution.

If you think Im making all this up, watch the video below and decide for yourself.

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The Basics Of Residential Wind Power

By David Glen

If you live in a region where the prevailing winds are regular and relatively strong, then you can probably install a residential wind turbine to save a great deal on your electrical energy costs. A wind turbine can help you to use less power from your local utility company, especially when used in conjunction with photovoltaic cells. Some people living in areas where conditions are ideal have even managed to go completely off the grid! While that's not possible for most of us, the ability of a wind turbine to turn the kinetic energy of wind into the electrical power you need for your home can save you a substantial amount of money on your energy bills.

Most homes which use residential wind power also draw electricity from their local utility company as well. If wind speeds are below the turbine's cut in speed (typically 7-10 mph), then the turbine will produce no power and all of the home's energy needs will be met by the utility company. However, when wind speeds are above the turbine's cut in speed, then the turbine generates power, lessening the amount drawn from the power grid. Any electricity produced which is above and beyond that needed for the home may be sold back to the local electricity supplier.

The typical wind turbine system owner sees a savings of around 50% on their electricity costs; depending on weather conditions and the home's energy needs, this may be slightly more or less.

A wind power system is dependent on the average wind speed in the area where it is installed. Homeowners will find that their turbines yield the best results when installed in areas which see average wind speeds of 10 mph and up.

However, home owners don't usually need to take measurements of wind speed in order to use residential wind power systems. This data is already freely available without having to do your own tests; though you may want to look up the average wind speed in your area before you install. If you happen to live somewhere which has enough wind to make a residential wind turbine cost effective, then you may go ahead and install the residential wind turbine in confidence.

A residential wind system does not interfere with television signals or electronic communications and operates quietly. They're also fairly easy to install, provided you have a small amount of technical skill; the average do-it-yourselfer can install a wind turbine system with ease. Your electricity supplier may install a second electrical meter to track the amount of electricity which you sell back to them.

Complete, ready to install wind turbine systems are readily available, though homeowners can also choose to buy the necessary parts and install it themselves. Purchasing a ready to install system costs a bit more but comes with more comprehensive support if needed. Installing a wind turbine on one's own requires a little more technical know-how, but also a significant savings over a ready to install system. People interested in a residential wind power system should look into the pros and cons of each option for themselves to choose which is best for their needs.

A home wind power generator can save homeowners a considerable amount of money as well as being environmentally sound. A wind turbine creates no pollutants and reduce your reliance on greenhouse gas emitting fossil fuels; it's good for the Earth and great for your pocketbook.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quick and Easy Homemade Solar Panels

By Todd Nelson

The present economic scenario and the ever-shrinking state of the global oil reserves is not good news for anyone. But on a positive note it drives us harder to investigate alternative energy sources that can become the solution we need. We need to cut back on energy consumption, particularly in terms of fossil fuel usage like oil. It has now become more and more economical to build homemade solar panels. Homemade solar panels utilize deep cell storage batteries and produce electricity upon demand which reduces the individual's dependence on the countrys energy grid.

I do not know if anyone who does not want to cut their monthly power bill by 80% or more. People can now make their own homemade solar panels and install a complete system for less than $200 in parts. A company called Earth4Energy sells the easy to follow step by step guide that shows you how.

The guide has: easy to follow step by step instructions, a parts list of things to buy that you can find at your local hardware store, a separate section for constructing a wind power generator to save even more money off your monthly power bill, and a no risk 60 day money back guarantee.

There are videos as well for those of us who learn better by seeing.

Think about it. Here you are with a homemade solar panels system, generating power that will be stored in deep cell batteries for future consumption. And all of this costs just pennies on the dollar! The DIY instructional manual and videos are easy to understand so that even a beginner will be able to understand and follow.

I built my own homemade solar panel system and am saving about 40% off my monthly power bill. The reason I am saving only 40% is that I'm starting off small, with only a few panels and a very small battery bank. I plan on expanding my solar power system when I get more money.

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Things To Consider About Home Wind Power

By Lance Jensen

Wind power generation can now be done from home. With the exponential population growth curve, our current level of sustainability without causing serious harm to the planet is no longer possible. This is why the time for wind power and solar power is now. All over the Internet, wind power generator kits are coming into mainstream.

These solutions can help you combat power outages, reduce your electricity bills, and also help the environment.

This article gives you a few things to consider first if you are looking to build a home wind power generator.

You need to have an open area if you really want to save a lot of money off your power bill with a wind generator. Having an acre or more is the ideal setting.

Take a moment to think about the amount of wind in your area. If you do not have much wind flow, then a wind power generator will save you little. Ideally, you want to live in an area that has an average wind speed of 11 miles per hour.

Your house needs a lot of uninterrupted power supply. Combating those power outages is easy with the pollution-free wind power systems. You need no longer worry about a break in your work because of a power uncertainty.

A usual wind turbine has a tower and five blades that turn around a shaft. The height of the wind tower depends on the location of your home. If you barely get an average wind speed of 11 MPH then you will need a higher tower. If you live near the ocean where wind is constantly blowing, you can get away with a wind turbine that is not as high. The wind turbine then converts the wind energy into electricity you can use to power everything in your home. You can use a battery bank to store the power for later use.

If you are confused with the wind power terminology, this bit of information will help you. The terms, wind power generator, wind mills, wind turbines, and wind generators are all used to refer to the same machine.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Transitioning Alternative Energy

By Dale Green

Our planet has been very abundant in offering us renewable sources of energy for our needs and providing alternative energy in many different forms. Many corners of the earth have used renewable power in one way or another but usually just where mechanical electricity, powered by petroleum, was not readily available.

The sun, wind and properties of the earth itself, will never cease to feed us the energy that we crave but we have to be willing to develop, store and generate its current form into usable power for our use. With our fossil fuel supply now being depleted, a serious approach is being taken to transitioning into alternative energy sources.

The ability to generate energy from alternative fuel sources is not complicated. This is very true when you consider the improvements that have occurred over the past century to create crude oil from fossil fuels. This crude oil can be refined into many different forms such as gas, diesel and petroleum. Millions of dollars and a great deal of time has gone into such investments and now it is time to put such effort into newer methods.

While the transition of moving into a new form of energy is very foreign to most of us, it is a necessary step if we want to preserve our world, improve our atmosphere, control global warming and continue to maintain our lifestyle as we have grown accustomed to.

One example of a renewable fuel and the price tag involved is solar electricity. The cost of purchasing all of the solar equipment is still more expensive than our present mechanically generated power. This is one of the changes that we have to learn to bear in transitioning into alternative energy. It is impossible to just stop using petroleum-based energy and replace it with solar or wind power overnight. There are going to be many changes and expenses for everyone to bear.

Generating electricity is basically the same as it was when it was first discovered in the early 1800s by British scientist Michael Faraday. There are seven different methods of changing energy into electrical energy but the most common is electromagnetic induction, transforming kinetic energy into electricity. Putting even the basics of electricity to work for us in an entirely different mode, however, takes a bit of training, education and skill.

Photovoltaic technology has been expanding at a quicker rate than what existed in the past. The main problem with photovoltaic solar panels centers on the cost which is much higher than common mechanically generated power. Capacity is said to now grow by a massive 40% in such areas as Germany, Japan, California and New Jersey. Hopefully, within a decade, the market will expand and modify this situation so that solar power becomes more feasible than petroleum.

There is a better way to create our source of power but not without facing past mistakes and learning quite a bit about new products and methods. Schools are hard at work teaching our children to appreciate the sun, the wind, and the earth for all they have to offer to mankind and why it is wrong to pollute the air that protects us. The sooner we can begin to generate alternative renewable fuel, the better off our planet and its residents will be.

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A Basic Introduction To Wind Turbines

By Jim Samposzi

Since the downturn of the world's environmental state, many ecologists and other people who are concerned have been looking day and night for a different source of power. Many of these people have discovered very promising types but a lot of these sources aren't sufficient enough to entirely do away with other, more harmful ways of harvesting power. Our nation still depends on generating power that are capable of causing harm to our environment ozone layer, and air quality.

Wind turbines are pieces of equipment that gather the force of winds to turn a series of blades. This turning component, known as the rotor, pipes this energy through a shaft and then through the gearbox, which then, sends this force into a generator. This process works very smooth and efficiently, but is not powerful enough to generate adequate energy to power everything we need. Wind turbines usually provide energy to farms for automated grain machines and other industries that require a generator 24-7. Wind turbines are common in the western parts of the country, primarily in Wyoming and areas in California. They are seen in the hundreds sometimes in fields and remote areas throughout the countryside.

The blades on this generator is slanted or pitched. The reason for this is if the blades were not shaped like this, they would be unable to turn during small winds; this would result in a loss of possible energy that could have been generated. Furthermore, these blades are unable to start up with winds higher than 55 mph. The reason for this is because a high wind like this could damage the wind turbine. In addition, a brake is included on the wind turbine which stops the blades if the wind is too lofty. Also, this component, does not operate in winds below 8 mph because its just not worth it.

Wind turbines are simple in design but interesting in how they actually produce power. Wind turbines include what is referred to as a yaw drive and yaw motor. The yaw motor and yaw drive allow the rotor to pivot when the direction of wind changes. This mechanism allows for premium harnessing of energy; if wind turbines omitted this control, they would sit idol at the most insignificant shift in wind patterns.

These incredible machines apply to a few uses but are found in many families farms in rural areas. But, wind turbines are rather loud and residents nearby these fields have been reported to have complained about them. And, in in many situations these large fields of turbines have obsolete units that no longer serve any purpose. Many people are fighting to abolish them, while many owners of these fields have no clue where to relocate the wind turbines to.

Although they are capable of harvesting power, some turbines are unused and just sitting there; other professionals continue to build new and more powerful models that are capable of producing more power than ever. A Canadian researcher, for instance, has come up with a wind turbine that can generate 50 kilowatts of electricity! This is a huge milestone and it is going to be some time until someone comes out with one more powerful.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Solar Power

By Lance Jensen

So you want to solar power your home for the cheapest way possible. So the first thing you need to do is to learn about solar panels.

The first thing you are probably wondering is if it is possible to buy just one solar panel to power your entire home. This is one of the most common questions asked by people looking into installing their own solar power system. You might even have a list of things in your home that you would like to put on this single solar panel such as an air conditioner, dishwasher, TV, and so on.

Unfortunately the answer is a big fat no. You can not generate enough power with just one solar panel to meet the energy consumption needs of your entire home. I have used solar panels for more than 10 years now and I have watched the technology of solar panels progress over the years. But even with the latest, most advanced solar panel, one solar panel is no where near enough power for your entire house. You will need at least 12 solar panels and 12 deep cycle batteries. If you have a central air conditioner on your roof, then you will need even more solar panels and deep cycle batteries if you want 100% of your power to come from the sun. Keep in mind that your air conditioner is the single biggest obstacle you have to tackle first if you want to run your entire house off of solar power energy.

Most people don't realize that you don't actually run anything off a solar panel. You run things off your battery bank. It is the solar panels that charge the battery bank only. The reason for this configuration is that the voltage spikes or voltage volatility would be to great if you tried to run something directly off a solar panel. One cloud moving between your solar panel and the sun could literary fry your appliances with a voltage spike. You need a steady and even flow of electricity to power things in your home. This is what the battery bank does.

Consider using solar panels to power the things in your home excluding the air conditioner at first. Instead, consider switching your air conditioner over to gas.

Also, if you work during the day, leave your air conditioner off. In this case, your solar panel system that is powering your whole house is generating power and making your meter run backwards as you are selling the energy during the day back to the power company. Then when you get home at night, you buy energy from them when you turn your AC on.

You will be able to lower your energy bill by 70% or more as long as you don't live in too hot a climate where you run your AC all through the night.

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How To Use Renewable Energy Sources

By Jacob Pater

A great place to start a renewable energy campaign is in the home. Converting to renewable energy sources means using environmentally-friendly renewable energy. Renewable energy is naturally replenished energy generated from natural resource, such as sunlight and wind, and even from the rain, tides, and geothermal heat.

In 2006, about 18% of global final energy consumption came from renewables, with traditional biomass, such as wood-burning, and hydroelectricity being the largest renewable sources.

In your home, this might involve installing solar panels, a wind turbine or maybe an EPA-certified wood stove that uses renewable firewood. Here are a few ideas as to how best to get started:

1: Calculate your Energy Need.

One motivator is simply to look at your utility bills for the last year and see what you spend in electricity and gas. Renewable energy options often are cost-saving in the long-run. And know that if you are running energy-gobblers, like that high-voltage hair dryer, then you'll need to high-performance solutions.

2: Research your Climate

Your options are affected by the climate. It makes sense, of course, that if you have a lot of sunshine, solar energy might be the best option. And if you live in a windswept location, you might want to look into wind turbines.

3: Contact the National Energy Agency

The mission of the national energy agency is to promote sustainable energy. They would be able to answer some of your queries about renewable energy or at least point you in the right direction. And they would have a wealth of tips for how to cut down your general household energy consumption, such as switching the dry cycle "off" on your dishwasher, letting your dishes dry naturally or hanging your clothes out to dry. Energy agencies also would ask you to check that you have adequate insulation and start replacing replace old appliances with EPA Energy Saving appliances.

4: Switch to Renewable Energy Sources

Maybe start by looking at installing a solar oven or a solar hot-water heater. You can have solar panels installed for hot water heating, or to power appliances like computers and fans. Or install a wood-burning stove for the winter months. Just make sure it's an EPA-certified wood stove, as they use far less firewood or pellets.

With global climate concerns, the costs of energy rising, and government involvement, renewable energy solutions are becoming more of a viable solution for individuals.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nigerian Oil Killing Fields

By Lance Jensen

Nigeria is the 6th largest supplier of oil to the United States. The U.S. people consume 500,000 barrels of oil a day from Nigeria.

Oil companies in the U.S. promised that the flow of money into Nigeria was going to make life a lot better for the people.

U.S. oil companies could careless about the Nigerian people. They did not care about the welfare of the Nigerian people anymore than U.S. Insurance companies care about the welfare of their members. All that the U.S. oil companies wanted to do was to take the oil as quickly as possible. What most U.S. citizens do not know is that their consumption of oil and gas is killing the average Nigerian.

The oil trade has been killing Nigerians for years now. In the meantime, the oil companies have no remorse, in fact, they are buying the votes in Congress to delay or slow solar power development and our independence from oil once and for all.

In the video below, you will learn more about the Nigerian oil trade and its impact on average Nigerian people.

Gangs have formed in a kind of mini-civil war for who should control the oil.

American oil workers and oil executives are being favored over the people of Nigeria. The government is destroying Nigerian villages to make room for American housing.

A pastor who has had his church demolished in the name of the oil trade laments, "The oil boom has turned into the oil doom."

A woman who has just had her home demolished, in the name of oil, clutches her young children and begs, "I need help. I need help."

Bible thumping Republicans who think that business is good and government is bad need to pull their heads out of the sand and watch this video and educate themselves about the evil oil trade with Nigeria in the name of business.

The goal of business is to increase profits. If people need to lose their homes, then so be it. What is important is to increase profits. In some aspects, the big Health Insurance companies in the U.S. are a good lesson of what happens with the unchecked pursuit of profit. How many people in America, like people in Nigeria, have been killed in the pursuit of profit? How many Americans have died because their coverage was denied? How many people who work in fast food or the restaurant business work without health insurance of any kind? How many hard working adults who play by all the rules are doomed to poverty because they are being charged $800, even a $1,000 or more a month for health insurance for a relatively healthy family of three?

Welcome to Corporate America after 8 years of Republicanism. Quanta, in their debut album, said it best: This is America Corporate America The place where only the rich count This is America Yeah America Why do they get to be paramount?

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Solar Power Is Easier Than You Think

By Lance Jensen

So you want to solar power your home for the cheapest way possible. So the first thing you need to do is to learn about solar panels.

Before you begin, you need to get the answer to the common question can one solar panel power an entire house. I am asked this question all the time. The person asking this question then usually follows the question with a list of things they have in their house that they would like to power with solar power such as a TV, an air conditioner, etc.

I hate to have to tell you that the answer is no. It is not possible to power your home with a single solar panel. I have been off the power grid for over 12 years now. I have seen solar panel technology come a long way. But even the most expensive solar panel can not power an entire house. You are going to need 15 solar panels and at least 10 deep cycle batteries. If you have to keep your air conditioning running often, then you are going to need even more solar panels and batteries for your battery bank. Remember that your air conditioner is costing you the most money out of anything else in your house.

The first aspect of solar power you must learn is that in reality, nothing is powered off of a solar panel. Your home is not like a solar power calculator where a solar panel built right into the face of the calculator can power the calculator (although in actuality a battery does exists inside the calculator that is charged by the solar panel). The only thing a solar panel does is that it charges a battery. You then plug whatever you want to run in your home into that battery by using a DC (batteries are all DC current) to AC converter or what is called an inverter. Now you don't just use one battery as that would drain the battery too fast before your solar panels had a chance to charge it back up. You wire a string of batteries together (very easy to hook them together in parallel) to form what is called a battery bank. You then run the appliances in your home off this battery bank and not the solar panels. You do this because the appliances in your home need to have a steady supply of current. Voltage spikes that come off of solar panels due to clouds passing in between your solar panel array and the sun are canceled out by the battery bank.

You should slowly increase the number of solar panels by plugging more and more of them into your battery bank as you take more and more things in your home off of the power grid. Don't move your air conditioner over to the solar panels at first. Instead, consider switching it to gas.

Also, if you work during the day, leave your air conditioner off. In this case, your solar panel system that is powering your whole house is generating power and making your meter run backwards as you are selling the energy during the day back to the power company. Then when you get home at night, you buy energy from them when you turn your AC on.

You should be able to cut your electricity bill by 65% or more as long as you don't live in the desert where you have to run your AC all during the night in order to sleep.

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Steps On How To Make Solar Power At Home

By Audrey King

The use of renewable energy sources is the most economical replacement to the usual power supply generated by the commercialized energy providers today. The energy that is being supplied by these private companies normally releases carbon-based warming and poisonous substances into the atmosphere. Thus, it is a better idea to get away from this trend and start using the alternative energy sources.

Residential Solar Power is the most common alternative energy that people make use of these days to get away from the expensive energy sources being supplied by the private energy providers. Energy prices today are soaring thats why people need to take the initiative of maximizing what alternative energy sources are available today to combat the continuous increase of energy bills.

The most effective and feasible way to solve the energy crisis is to install the residential solar panels instead of continuously patronizing the energy services of some private companies. Once the solar panels are successfully installed, you are already free from the monthly financial obligation. They have a very long life span and they come in all shapes and sizes, making them suitable to be installed almost anywhere. It would be better if you have the knowledge on how to make solar power.

The use of solar energy became popular as the industrialized energy sources continue to increase their power services. Other alternative energy sources have been maximized as well to replace the expensive energy cost nowadays. Solar generators are prevalently used to acquire solar energy. The significant role of the panels is to absorb the sunlight and eventually convert it into electrical power using the generators. These generators are then connected into the home and the energy is transmitted to the home to produce electricity.

It would be much more effective if your place is located some place where there is ample of sunlight. A wide space area would be more advantageous so that more solar energy will be generated. But, you need to secure permission first from the local government if you will be allowed to turn your home into a residential solar energy. If you want to get rid of the monthly financial expenses, then you better take the move of using the alternative source of energy.

With the residential solar power, it is not only you who will benefit out of it. It will be an advantage largely to the general public and the environment where they live in. It does not only help economically, but also help protect the whole world by not harming the surroundings and the atmosphere with dangerous substances. The solar energy is the most effective way to combat the present energy crisis being experienced by the majority of the people.

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DIY Wind Turbine - How to Generate Free Electricity

By Tristan West

As energy costs rise and we become more aware of our responsibility to develop alternative energy sources, more home owners are considering DIY wind turbines and DIY solar panels for their home. For a relatively small amount of money, you can now generate your own electricity and not only save yourself money but do your part in protecting the environment as well.

DIY alternative energy projects are very inexpensive and easy to build. Anyone can construct a wind turbine for less than $200 and provide all the energy needed for an average home. Solar panels can be built for less than $200 as well. Linked together these panels will generate electricity for your home. Everything you need can be purchased at your local hardware store or home improvement center and the tools required are probably already in your toolbox.

Just about any able-bodied person can get a hold of the necessary plans from the Internet for less than $50 and use those plans to construct wind turbines and solar panels. Some even come with videos that will walk you through the process step-by-step. So if you are intimidated by working with your hands to create a DIY wind turbine then don't be... it is definitely something you can do.

You could buy a manufactured wind turbine, but they are very costly. If money is not a concern to you and you dont mind shelling out thousands of dollars, you may wish to take this option. However, since you have read this far in this article, you are probably one of those people who are seriously considering the DIY windmill option and even think it might be fun!

There is no question that you can save money by generating your own power. In addition to saving on your monthly power bill, tax breaks are available to those who use wind and solar energy. When you file your taxes you can take a deduction that will lower your tax liability. Alternative energy sources available in a home also increases the value of the home.

Homeowners throughout the civilized world are considering and undertaking renewable energy projects more and more all the time. They understand the benefits to them as individuals in lower energy costs and the importance of decreasing our use of non-renewable energy sources that leave a carbon footprint behind. As technology advances, so too do our options in clean, renewable energy.

You may be wondering how much energy you can produce with a DIY wind turbine. This will depend on several things. First, the amount of wind in the area in which you live will play a big part in how much energy you can generate. The more wind the more power. Secondly, the size the wind turbine itself will determine the amount of energy that can be captured for future use. An average sized DIY wind turbine can produce enough energy to power an average home with just a few hours of moderate wind.

A wind turbine generates electricity through a simple process. As the wind turns the blades on the windmill, kinetic or physical energy is created. This energy is then trapped and stored in a battery where it can be used whenever it is needed. With this stored energy, the wind does not need to be blowing in order to have a supply of energy.

Many people report that they save up to 80% with their DIY wind turbine. Some even generate enough electricity from their wind power system to completely cover their a electricity bill every month. And the best scenario of all? Generating enough power from your wind turbine to not only pay your utility bill but to also sell the excess electricity back to your utility company. That's right... they will now be paying you.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Brandon Davis Of Denver Colorado Talks About The Benefits Of Natural Gas!

By Brandon Davis

Brandon Davis of Bedrock Energy Development, . in Denver, Colorado stated, our company is a Natural Gas and Independent Oil Company that is specializing in the acquisition of fields in petroleum rich areas and drill sites in the domestic United States.

Brandon Davis continued that the discovery of natural gas has made energy experts and policy makers to see natural gas in their pursuit of a large range of goals which ease the impact of energy price hikes, speed the transition to renewable fuels, lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the dependence of foreign oil.

The readiness of natural gas generation enables us to be more alert in charting a transition to a low-carbon economy, said Brandon Davis of Bedrock Energy Development in Denver, Colorado.

Modern science and a rise in drilling have made production rise 11% in the past two years. This has forced prices to be the lowest in six years and made producers cut back on drilling and search for new fields.

As oil is harder to find and more expensive to produce, natural gas is becoming more in demand. The United States relies on oil imported from the Middle East and other politically unstable regions. However, ninety-eight percent of the natural gas used in the United States is produced in North America.

The United States energy supply is highly supported by natural gas. Most cars and trucks in the U.S. uses refined gasoline or diesel, as stated by Brandon Davis in Denver, Colorado.

Brandon Davis of Bedrock Energy Development in Denver, Colorado said, just about everyone in the United States uses natural gas. Industry is the biggest consumer of natural gas, using it mainly as a heat source to manufacture goods. Such goods as fertilizer, photographic film, ink, glue, paint and plastics are items that have natural gas as an ingredient.

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Home Solar Industry In Australia Gets Big Boost

By Sam Stoker

The United States does not have a home solar incentive near as good as Australia. For the last 8 years, Republicans have blocked solar incentives at the request of big oil. It is sad that the United States is who invented solar panels and yet we have lost our first advantage and continue to fall further behind the world.

Big news for the home solar industry in Australia.

A $7,000 discount will be given to anyone who installs a 1.5 kW (9 panel) solar system thanks to the Australian passed legislation called RET (Renewable Energy Target).

Originally, there were two components to this bill: the RET and the ETS (Emissions Trading). There was lots of fighting over the ETS component and so law makers split the RET and the ETS components into two separate bills so that they could pass the RET portion while they continue to fight over the ETS.

The home solar discount of $7,000 is for grid connected homes and buildings only. The home can be a rental home, a principal place of residence, a vacation home or a commercial building. The rebate threshold in earlier bills of a household taxable income of $100,000 has been removed.

The home solar credits scheme is ingenious in that it assigns a value of 500% the market value of what are know as RECs or Renewable Energy Certificates.

RECs started in Australia in December 2001, and are designed to place a monetary value on the displacement of greenhouse gases. One REC is equivalent to approximately one mega Watt hour of electricity produced, or about one ton of abated greenhouse emissions. They provide financial incentive to place less reliance on the burning of fossil fuel.

There are about 30 Renewable Energy Certificates attached to a 1.5kW solar energy installation but this depends on where you live and how many hours of sunlight you receive. The actual monetary value of a Renewable Energy Certificate is about $36. This equals a value of $1,080. With the new home solar program, you multiply this by 500% to get a total savings of $5,400.

Home solar credits will be applied to the first 1.5kW of solar panels installed. If a solar power system is over 1.5Kw, then customers will receive the normal 1:1 rate of Renewable Energy Certificates. Home solar credits are issued by the Office of Renewable Energy Regulator. Customers can choose whether to use the discount upfront to lower the cost of the solar energy installation or hold on to them like a stock in hopes of rising in value.

Now why can not something like this be done in the United States of America were solar panels were first invented. I guess in America it is all about money and the big oil and energy companies do not want you producing your own energy, even if it is better for the environment. They would rather destroy all life on the planet rather than lose you as a paying energy customer.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

History of Skerries Lighthouse, Anglesey Coastal Watch and Tern Colony

By David Phillips

Yachtsmen and women across the Irish Sea will probably have sailed past Skerries Lighthouse in Holyhead Bay, off North West Anglesey, Wales at some time or other in their sailing career. Whether they approach, from Dublin in the west, Port St Mary, Isle of Man to the north or nearby Pwllheli, Skerries rock and light soon comes into view. In fact the white flashing light of this modern automated 23 m high Trinity House lighthouse can be seen 22 miles away.

As well as hosting a navigational aid to ships and yachts, the rock also acts as a monitoring site for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) who send bird watching teams to monitor one of the largest tern colonies in the world. If we scroll back about 200 years, however, things were so different. An Irishman called William Trench in 1713 took out a 99 year lease on Skerries from William Robinson, a local landowner on Anglesey.

A big challenge lay ahead but undaunted William Trench set about building the very first lighthouse on Skerries rock, and in 1716 his efforts were rewarded when the lights on. For sure it was not as powerful as current lamps, but the 35 feet high tower had an open grate and a flame produced by burning coal. The enterprising Mr Trench exploited this valuable service by charging passing ships a fee based on tonnage, except for the British Navy.

William Trench was succeeding in getting annual income of as much as $2,200 from the lighthouse levies, a very high sum for the period. As the years went by these fees increased significantly, hitting $23,000 in 1828. Ownership of the lighthouse changed a few times over this time and in 1841, Trinity House Corporation secured the freehold for a huge sum of $990,000.

It is a major navigational challenge for yachtsmen to sail through the Langdon Ridge, between Skerries Rock and Carmel Head on Anglesey, even at the best of times. Many sailors decide not to sail through Langdon Ridge at night as the tidal currents are so strong and the rocks not far away. With a full flood tide sweeping up behind you from Holyhead Bay you can progress quickly over the land passing Cemlyn Nature Reserve and Wylfa Nuclear Power Station nearby. This tidal asset has led to a strong interest in developing a tidal power lagoon using latest underwater turbine technology.

It's fantastic sailing around the Anglesey coast. Either from a boat or the coastal path you can appreciate rich and diverse marine wildlife - razorbills, porpoises, seals, and puffins. As you pass Skerries just imagine the efforts of young Trench, and the ships since saved by the reassuring presence of these Anglesey Lighthouses. A flotilla of kayaks can sometimes be seen leaving Church Bay on an expedition to Skerries lighthouse. They need to get the tide and wind right to avoid being carried way off course.

So over 250 years ago William Trench started the Skerries Lighthouse story and it has been a colourful one since. The rock witnessed the end of sail and advent of steam, and the lighthouse keepers would have admired famous ships like the Great Eastern and Royal Charter, as well as seen numerous wrecks. Yachts and kayaks sometimes visit the rock and this Anglesey Lighthouse, while a large tern colony exists on the rock.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Skerries Lighthouse, Holyhead Bay, Coastal Navigator and Bird Sanctuary

By David Phillips

Most sailors who sail the Irish Sea are familiar with Skerries Lighthouse in Holyhead Bay, off the North West coast of Anglesey in Wales. Whichever route their yacht takes, either from Dublin, Pwllheli or Western Scotland, the isolated Skerries Rock and lighthouse soon appear in their sights. From as far as 22 miles distance mariners can see the white flashing light from the 23 metre high automated light now owned by Trinity House.

And Skerries rock is also home to one of the largest tern colonies in the world, which are monitored by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) who occasionally send a team out to the rock. But just go back over 200 years in history and there was barely any navigational help on this treacherous Anglesey coast. Then in 1713 Irishman William Trench took out a 99 year lease on the rock from local landowner William Robinson, and events soon took on a new dynamic.

A big challenge lay ahead but undaunted William Trench set about building the very first lighthouse on Skerries rock, and in 1716 his efforts were rewarded when the lights on. For sure it was not as powerful as current lamps, but the 35 feet high tower had an open grate and a flame produced by burning coal. The enterprising Mr Trench exploited this valuable service by charging passing ships a fee based on tonnage, except for the British Navy.

In 1730 these levies were as much as around $2,200 every year (1=$2), a huge sum in those days. The fees continued to rise over the following years so that by 1828 the income was a massive $23,000. There was a change in ownership during this time and eventually the Trinity House bought the Skerries Lighthouse freehold for a staggering 445,000 ($990,000) in 1841.

It is a major navigational challenge for yachtsmen to sail through the Langdon Ridge, between Skerries Rock and Carmel Head on Anglesey, even at the best of times. Many sailors decide not to sail through Langdon Ridge at night as the tidal currents are so strong and the rocks not far away. With a full flood tide sweeping up behind you from Holyhead Bay you can progress quickly over the land passing Cemlyn Nature Reserve and Wylfa Nuclear Power Station nearby. This tidal asset has led to a strong interest in developing a tidal power lagoon using latest underwater turbine technology.

It's fantastic sailing around the Anglesey coast. Either from a boat or the coastal path you can appreciate rich and diverse marine wildlife - razorbills, porpoises, seals, and puffins. As you pass Skerries just imagine the efforts of young Trench, and the ships since saved by the reassuring presence of these Anglesey Lighthouses. A flotilla of kayaks can sometimes be seen leaving Church Bay on an expedition to Skerries lighthouse. They need to get the tide and wind right to avoid being carried way off course.

So from the time of William Trench over 250 years ago, Skerries lighthouse has had a very interesting history. It has seen the age of sail give way to the age of steam, seen ships wrecked off the coast and played a major role in serving the maritime community. It hosts a bird colony of great interest and receives occasional yacht and kayak visitors. It deserves its place in the hall of fame of Anglesey Lighthouses.

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Windmill Generator Plans Made Easy

By Kelly Canfield

Building your own wind turbine to create your own alternative energy source is a very viable option these days. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you are probably ready to jump on the band wagon and get started. The first step to take is to track down a set of windmill generator plans that will provide you with all the direction you need to take you through this project. It is very expensive to buy a readymade windmill, but fortunately, a DIY wind turbine is very easy and inexpensive to construct.

If you were to attempt to purchase a residential windmill you would find out that they cost up to $25,000. A set of windmill generator plans will only cost approximately $50 and all the parts you need are available at your local home improvement center or hardware store for under $200. You will be able to save a substantial amount of money by building your own windmill.

You probably have all the tools you need already in your tool box. But if you don't, they are nothing out of the ordinary and again, are available in your local stores. Building a DIY windmill is a very satisfying project and worth undertaking.

Building your own wind turbine is such an affordable project that you will most likely recover the cost of materials and plans within several months of the time your wind generator goes online. A tax deduction is also available for source of alternative energy added to your home.

The amount of electricity that you will be able to generate with your wind turbine will depend on several factors. First, it will depend on the amount wind where the wind turbine is located. Second, it will depend on the size and structure of your windmill. The huge wind turbines on windfarms are capable of producing enough power for a neighborhood.

For home use, you don't need nearly that much power. Generally, a residential wind power generator will provide the homeowner with a significant percentage of their home use needs. Normally, they will need to supplement it at times.

What it will absolutely do is save you a substantial amount of money on your utility bill each and every month. Windmill generator plans will allow you to construct a residential wind power generator that will not only create electricity for your home but will also let you to store it in batteries where the energy source can be tapped when the wind is not blowing.

There are always times when the wind does not blow. During these times a windmill will not generator power. This problem exists with all forms of renewable energy sources, such as solar energy. The ability to store the energy for future use makes it a viable option for supplemental power.

Don't delay. If you are seriously interested in saving money by generating your own power, you will want to purchase windmill generator plans and get started creating your own electricity. It won't be long until you notice your utility bill begin to shrink. And if you're really ambitious, you could add a second windmill and generate all the power you need!

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DIY Wind Turbine - Learn How to Harness the Wind

By Tristan West

There is no question about it, more and more people around the world are turning to alternative energy sources to generate electricity for their homes. Constructing a DIY wind turbine and DIY solar panels are, as people are learning, is something they can do for themselves and for relatively little money.

Just about anyone can build a DIY wind turbine for as little as $200 that can generate enough power to meet the needs of an average home. Solar panels are also inexpensive and easy to make. Panels linked together can generate plenty of electricity to power your home for under $200 as well. In addition, you will find all the materials you need at your local home improvement center or hardware store. No special tools are needed other than those already in your workshop.

The first thing you need to do is purchase a set of plans. Plans for DIY wind turbines and solar panels are readily available on the internet. Some plans include a video that will show you step by step how to build the alternative energy project of your choice. These plans are usually less than $50.

Manufactured wind turbines can be purchased, but they are extremely costly. For those who are absolutely convinced they cannot build their own turbine or who dont mind spending thousands of dollars to buy a readymade turbine can do so. But chances are, if youre reading this article, you think a DIY windmill project is within your capabilities and might even be a very satisfying undertaking.

Using the sun and the wind to generate power for your home can save you a considerable amount of money on your power bill. Tax breaks are available for those who use wind and solar power as well. When you file your taxes a substantial deduction can be taken. Having this alternative energy source available will also increase the value of your home and make your home more desirable should you decide to sell it.

People throughout the world are turning to renewable energy options. Home owners in civilized countries everywhere are building DIY wind turbines and solar panels and reaping the benefits in lower energy costs. They are saving money and happily doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint on our planet. This trend promises to continue into the future with more and more people creating their own energy.

How much energy you will generate depends on several factors. Obviously if you live in a climate that gets a lot of wind you will be able to generate more electricity than less windy location. The size of the turbine also plays a role in how much energy is captured and converted into electricity. Research has shown that the average home can be powered for an entire day with just a couple hours of the wind blowing at a moderate pace.

Wind turbines operate by kinetic energy which simply means that the blowing wind captures the blades of the rotor and makes it turn. That energy from that turning motion is captured and converted into electricity. The electricity that is captured can be stored and will provide power even when the wind is not blowing and the blades of the turbine are still.

Homeowners who build and use a DIY wind turbine can expect to save 80% on their power bill. If the conditions are right you can eliminate your power bill entirely. Better still, it is possible to generate more than enough electricity to meet your needs. This excess energy can then be sold back to the power company and generate income for you. Not only will you save money with a DIY wind turbine and DIY solar panels, but you will know you are doing the right thing for the environment.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Take Advantage of Windmill Generator Plans

By Teegan McElroy

Building your own wind turbine to create your own alternative energy source is a very viable option these days. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you are probably ready to jump on the band wagon and get started. The first step to take is to track down a set of windmill generator plans that will provide you with all the direction you need to take you through this project. It is very expensive to buy a readymade windmill, but fortunately, a DIY wind turbine is very easy and inexpensive to construct.

If you were to attempt to purchase a residential windmill you would find out that they cost up to $25,000. A set of windmill generator plans will only cost approximately $50 and all the parts you need are available at your local home improvement center or hardware store for under $200. You will be able to save a substantial amount of money by building your own windmill.

You probably have all the tools you need already in your tool box. But if you don't, they are nothing out of the ordinary and again, are available in your local stores. Building a DIY windmill is a very satisfying project and worth undertaking.

Building your own wind turbine is such an affordable project that you will most likely recover the cost of materials and plans within several months of the time your wind generator goes online. A tax deduction is also available for source of alternative energy added to your home.

The amount of electricity that you will be able to generate with your wind turbine will depend on several factors. First, it will depend on the amount wind where the wind turbine is located. Second, it will depend on the size and structure of your windmill. The huge wind turbines on windfarms are capable of producing enough power for a neighborhood.

A home doesn't use very much power relative to a city or town. Under average conditions, a residential wind power generator can supply a significant amount of a home power needs even as you stay connected to your power company's power source.

Building a residential wind power generator using windmill generator plans will create energy that can then be stored in a battery for future use. There are always times when the wind is not blowing, but that does not mean you cannot use energy generated by your windmill. You will be able to tap into that energy whenever you need it and you will see a significant reduction in your utility bill each month.

There is one decided downside to wind energy that is rather obvious but I will state it anyway, when the wind does not blow and the blades do not turn, no power is generated. It is much the same thing with a solar panel. When the sun does not shine it cannot produce electricity because there is no energy being absorbed from the sun.

If you are ready to undertake this money saving project, a set of windmill generator plans will get started on your way. Before long you will be noticing the impact on your utility bill. While one wind turbine may not eliminate your bill entirely, two just might!

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Manual Guide For Residential Power Generation

By Paula Johnson

In this industrialized age people are financially pressured by the big commercial companies that supply the energy needs to each individual. The moment these companies decide to increase the charge of their services you can no longer stop it because they are privately established. Thus, this fact has brought some financial trouble to the average family in the society. However, despite of this serious concern, people can still find a viable solution to the issue. As an alternative, renewable energy sources can be a feasible replacement to the energy sources we get from the private businesses.

Certainly, the serious concern on peoples energy need has been resolved these days with the aid of the alternative energy sources. They are usually derived from the energy of the sun, wind, hydropower etc. The advantage of these energy sources is that they are environmentally friendly and more importantly they protect the health of every person. They are safe because they do not release carbon-based warming and other dangerous substances into the atmosphere. Thus, they do not contribute to the problem on global warming.

A particular energy source that is not economical to the finances of the people is the one coming from the energy producing companies. Their goal is mainly to gain more profit by making the people pay for the costly energy bills. What you can do is to build your own homemade wind generator to be able to put aside some money for the family. This initiative is more feasible and efficient compared to purchasing a product that is costly.

The energy that is produced out of the wind power generators is unlimited. This means that the power generated out of it gives a lifetime benefit for your energy need. The use of this homemade wind power absolutely reduces your reliance on fossil fuels and also your carbon footprint. To set up a wind generator at home you need to have a DC motor, a blade, a hub and a tower. If you are not familiar with these things you may ask for the needed assistance from anyone who knows how to make one.

Technically, the tower must stand taller so that it will generate more energy and power. The advisable setting for the installation of the homemade wind energy source is that it should be situated with an excellent-sized open space, basically steady wind-flow and independence of tower height. There are various help which you can benefit from to build your own homemade wind generator. The Internet is the most popular resource today that guides you in making a homemade wind generator.

The renewable energy like the residential power generation is the answer to the rampant problem in todays energy need. The installation of homemade wind generator can be conveniently done without any hassle. You may refer to the guides made by the experts to successfully put up your own alternative energy. You should follow the instructions thoroughly to make it work very effectively on your energy need.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Magniwork Review - DIY Magnetic Energy Generator

By Lane Kent Fredrand Hublebert

Saying that the Magniwork system can be build by an 8 year old with just a few tools is no exaggeration. It is so easy that you could have a few of these devices providing free energy to your home within a couple of hours time! The easy to follow plans can be followed by literally anyone.

You may be wondering what it costs to build a Magnetic Electricity Generator? The Electric Generator that I constructed using the plans cost just under $120 and was capable of powering nearly 50% of my home, thus cutting my electric bill in half. By building an additional unit, or building a larger unit, I will be able to virtually eliminate my electric bill!

You can get the materials you need to build a magnetic perpetual motion device from almost any hardware store like Home Depot. You do not even need any special tools, you most likely have what you need already, a screwdriver for example.

Using a magnetic generator has distinct benefits over the utilization of other alternative power sources like solar or wind energy. The major benefit is that magnetic energy isn't relying on weather, where as a cloudy day can eliminate solar electricity. Another advantage is cost. Sun and wind systems are sometimes very costly to install, while the Magniwork system is awfully inexpensive!

Based on the experience I had building my magnetic energy generator, I would recommend the plans to anyone looking to reduce or eliminate their electric bill, or simply looking to help the environment! Magnetic energy is proving to be one of the leading sources of alternative green energy!

Never pay for electricity again, a long kept secret for generating free electricity has been finally released to the public. The Magniwork System will show you how it's possible for you to build you own Magnetic Energy Generator. You can generate your own electricity and you may never need to pay the Power Company ever again!

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DIY Wind Power Made Easy

By Wendy Hamilton

As energy costs rise and our natural resources of coal and oil diminish, solar and wind power has gained a place of prominence in the world of renewable resources. Residential wind turbines grow in popularity day by day and over the past decade have had a serious impact on the DIY wind power market. If you are one of those people who are considering this form of energy to supplement your home energy needs you will be able to harness the natures energy to not only produce energy but to save you money in the process.

Wind power and solar panels are becoming a more and more popular option among home owners. People are becoming aware of the beneficial nature of this type of energy. Not only is it a continuously renewable resource but it does not harm the environment and leaves no carbon footprint. Natural energy generation is the responsible energy option and as technology advances it becomes more feasible for the average person.

The Workings of DIY Wind Power

Wind power is captured by windmills or turbines, creating energy that is stored in batteries. The turning of the blade harnesses the energy of the wind and that then creates electricity. Some people refer to this equipment as windmills, some as turbines, but it is the same thing.

The spinning of the blades is what is known as kinetic energy. Kinetic is simply another way of saying physical. The kinetic energy then spins the blades and the energy is collected by the motion generated from the wind. Simply put, the faster the blades spin, the more energy is generated. In the case of a home wind generator, that energy is collected and stored in a battery and can be tapped at any time when an electrical power source is needed.

Save Money on Energy Costs with DIY Wind Power

The short answer is yes, absolutely! How much money you\'re going to save the plans on quite a few variables including how large your wind power generator is, how much wind you get and how efficiently you capture it. It is absolutely possible to save a substantial amount of money on your electric bill.

Fortunately, it is not very expensive at all to build your own wind power system. Using parts purchased at a local home improvement store, you can build your own home made wind powered generator for less than $200 in materials. Furthermore, you dont need a lot of construction or building skills to build it. Almost anyone can take on this do-it-yourself project with success.

Power Needs of the Average Home

One average sized wind turbine built for home use can generate between 5 and 15W which is sufficient for most homes. An average home uses, in the neighborhood of, 100,000 KWH of electricity each year. If you want more you can build a larger turbine. If you create more wind power than you can use, you can sell the excess electricity back to the power company and actually earn some income from your investment.

The only down side of homemade wind turbines is that they can be noisy. If properly maintained they are not exceptionally noisy. When the wind blows, the movement over the blades creates a whistling sound. Improperly cared for parts will make extra noise as does any moving machinery. Keeping the properly maintained and oiled is extremely important for minimizing sound. It is also a better option to build your turbine out of PVC rather than wood as wood will not hold up nearly as long.

DIY wind power is an excellent choice for a home owner who is committed to the idea of creating their own power to supply their electricity needs. The fact that it is an inexpensive energy option as well as a project that is easy to undertake makes it a perfect option for anyone who is seriously interested in creating their own energy. Its an excellent way to save money and save the environment in the process.

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