Saturday, December 26, 2015

Why Wastewater Management Is So Important?

By Jonny Blair

Being among the most important resources in the world, fresh water is essential for every living creature including people. The biggest problem is that only 3 percents of the water is fresh and not all of this fresh water is usable, as one part of it is locked in the glaciers and ice caps and the other part is located in remote areas where people cannot use it. Actually, this means that we can use only 0.08 percent of the water to meet our daily needs. Can you imagine the mankind to use just 0.08 percent for drinking, manufacturing, environment, leisure, sanitation, etc?

A recent study conducted in 2007 revealed that over 1.2 billion people around the world suffer from the water scarcity, and they do not have access to water enough to meet their daily needs. Another 1.6 billion of people suffer economically from the water scarcity, i.e. their local authorities cannot satisfy the rising water demand in these areas due to the insufficient investments or lack of human capacity.

Since half part of the world population is concentrated in the cities and urban centers, the natural water sources located around the cities are polluted by industrial and urban wastewater. The cities should develop systems for treating the wastewater; otherwise, there could be a risk for people's health related to the use of wastewater, containing different pollutants, such as heavy metals, pathogens, etc.

Because of the limited quantity of the fresh water, people have directed their efforts at water management and optimization of its use. In many areas, water comes in the form of harvested rainwater, so people should learn how to manage it efficiently. The rainwater is usually collected in barrels to be used in those periods when there is little or no rain and for agricultural purposes. The groundwater needs to be utilized as well. People drill wells and use this water both for drinking and agricultural purposes. People should also revive and manage lakes that can collect the water to make it accessible to the nearby residents.

A large portion of 70% of freshwater is used for food production in agriculture. This is explicable, as the world population increases each and every year requiring more and more food to survive. The most part of the population is concentrated in the big cities, which deteriorates the problem with water scarcity even more.

There are six major steps that should be done to resolve the water problems globally, but every individual should take part in these simple strategies and contribute to improve the situation.

First, we need to improve all water related data. Second, we should protect and treasure our environment, preventing further pollution. Third, water governance should be reformed. Fourth, the agricultural water use should be revitalized. Fifth, the urban and industrial water demand should be managed. Sixth, the women and poor people should have an access to the water resources and their management.

The global water crisis can be prevented, if we strictly follow these simple steps. It is very important that all industries and big urban centers learn to properly use the water, so the greatest part of it could be directed to the agriculture. Since the world population grows each and every year, the growing demand for more and more food should be met.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Is Solar Power The Way Forward?

By Rian Mahon

The importance of using green energy increases every day, making the use of home wind turbines, solar panels and other alternative energy sources necessary for the world's survival and well-being. Thus, more and more governments around the world start to subsidize people who decide to install such green energy sources in their home.

Would you like to use free electricity? If you install it in your home, just for a few years the solar panel will pay for itself, allowing you to use free electricity. That is why solar power becomes increasingly popular all around the world and many business and home owners believe that more and more alternative energy sources will be used in future.

Why the solar power is the way forward? Let's give an answer to this important question.

It is impossible to stop the rapid decrease of fossil fuel supplies that is a result of the increasing demand for more and more electricity consumption. In result, the electricity prices escalate, causing difficulties for consumers that cannot afford them. This in turn affects the economic as a whole, causing increase of other essential products' prices.

The installation of solar system will allow you to rely on yourself only, which is a great option for business owners and other people. This will automatically reduce all the costs you currently have for the electricity from the conventional grid. This will save you a lot of money.

Even though some people do not choose alternative energy sources because of their equipment's high costs, the investment will surely repay you in just a few years and you will start earn money after that period. Additionally, this is low-risk investment compared with other investments made today, such as stocks or bonds.

You are going to greatly benefit, if you turn to an expert who can make required calculations and show you all the earnings you will get after the period of repayment for the installation and equipment costs. He is going to show you lifetime benefits you will have from your decision.

If your property has low carbon content, its price will automatically rise, being a great proposition for the buyers. So even if you intend to re-sale your home in a few years, installing of solar panels will significantly increase its price. Remember that this step is not going to bring you returns on a later stage only, but will contribute to the environment welfare.

If you are concerned about the current condition of our planet, its nature, air and waters, you will prefer to use alternative energy sources that have no harmful byproducts that affect our health and well-being.

The greatest thing about renewable energy sources is that they are unlimited, so you can be sure that the investment you make will not only benefit you, but the coming generations after you too. The roof mount is the cheapest type of solar panel installation and the most preferred of all, due to the lower expenses for installation, compared to the other types that are ground installation and installment on other structures.

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