Friday, October 5, 2012

Build Your Own Solar Panel

By Cory Clemons

Lots of people have been looking into installing solar panels in an effort to combat rising energy costs. When the majority of these people see the prices of the professionally installed panels they realize it may not be a luxury they can afford. There is an easier, more affordable way to harness power from the sun and that is to learn how to make solar panels for yourself.

Any hungry do-it-yourselfer can study how to make solar panels for their home, workshop or business. When compared to the cost of buying and installing a pre-made green solar energy system, learning how to make solar panels for your green energy needs and the materials you need to start the project are far less. By Studying how to make solar panels for yourself, you have greater control over the size and design of your system as well.

Once you have a basic manual and you have studied how to make solar panels, the supplies are fairly basic to find. Most can be discovered at your local hardware store like, plywood, sheets of glass, and a roll of copper wire. It is also easy to find cheap solar or photovoltaic cells to use in your project. Many are available over the Internet or you may have a retailer available locally. One you've learned how to make solar panels and you have your supplies, it will take about a day to assemble a 100-watt panel. This is the perfect amount of electricity to operate small appliances or a small workshop.

best step is looking for a quality manual with detailed instructions for knowing how to make solar panels. In most cases you get what you pay for, so don't be scared to spend a few extra dollars on a well-reviewed instruction manual. Overall, the expense of the making your own panels is so low, the cost of the how to guide is minimal-you will still be paying way less studying how to produce solar panels on your own than purchasing a professionally installed system.

With a little bit of effort, you can be on your way to knowing how to make solar panels to exceed your energy needs. Then sit back and bask in the pride the next time the power goes out on your block. Your lights will still be on because you learned how to make solar panels and your energy supply is still in your battery bank.

Making the choice to build your own solar panel is a great investment for your future and the world's future. Start making your own power at home and take advantage of this great way to educate yourself while saving money and helping the environment and learn how to build your own solar panel today.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Solar Power Techniques To Convert Your Home To A Green Haven

By Jack Hammer

You can start utilizing the power of the sun throughout your home in order to save money on your energy bills. Additionally, you will be making your home more environmentally sound. You do not even have to invest in solar panels! Read through the advice outlined in this article to begin utilizing solar power in your home living environment.

The largest of these systems is a solar water heating system. Instead of using expensive solar panels to generate electricity, this system uses panels that are dark colored to capture as much heat as possible. These panels are then used to heat water that can be used throughout the home. The cost of these systems vary based on how complicated you make the system, and cost recovery varies by region, taking up to 20 years in northern climates.

One advantage of using solar energy is helping to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Unfortunately, a large amount of the crude oil we utilize comes from politically unstable countries. This wrecks havoc with energy prices and has caused a huge increase in electrical energy and gasoline prices within the last few years. When there is less demand for crude oil, the law of supply and demand will go into effect and energy prices across the board should be much lower.

Know upfront how much money you will need to install solar energy. As mentioned, you will need a good amount of money to get started. Solar panels can be in the tens of thousands of dollars, and you don't want to get started, only to find you do need it.

How do they work? Solar panels are made up of several photovoltaic cells. These cells capture light energy from the sun's rays and convert that energy into electricity. Since the cells convert the sun's light energy, rather than the sun's thermal energy, into electrically energy, solar panels will still generate electricity on freezing cold days as long as the sun is shining.

If you want to save some money on mowing your lawn every month, you can invest in a lawn mower that runs off of solar power. These products store sun power in a battery and use this power to mow the lawn. These products are only slightly more expensive than their conventional counterparts and can save you a lot of money over time, especially if you own a lawn care business.

If you're looking for a more all-inclusive, large-scale way to take advantage of solar power, you should look at the principle of passive solar design when you build a new home or renovate your existing one. Passive solar design is a set of architectural principles intended to fit a house into its local climate with as much energy efficiency as possible. Roofs and windows are oriented to take advantage of sunlight for direct heating during the cold months. Building materials are selected for year-round energy efficiency. The overall result is a home that works with its environment and requires minimal energy expenditure for heating and cooling.

The variety of items that use solar power make it easy to educate your children about solar power and how it can save energy in everyday life at affordable prices. Use the examples above to choose some easy ways to lead by example when it comes to living green.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Photovoltaic Solar Systems: Advantages And Disadvantages

By Christopher Gilman

Today's high energy prices are ridiculous, and everyone should be looking at different ways to reduce energy costs. One good way to reduce energy costs is by using solar energy. Continue reading to find out some great advice about the advantages of using solar energy.

You need to read about and research where to place the panels. This can help you get a better idea as to where to place the panels on your own home after you've figured out how many you need. It's important to have a good idea as to where you want to put them, and of course you can ask professional installers any questions you may have as well.

Find out about grants and incentives that you may be eligible for. Both the federal government and individual states are now offering incentives to people who want to get solar panels and introduce solar energy. Therefore, it is smart to make sure you investigate as much as you can and apply for all the help you can get. While everyone agrees that it is very expensive to buy the large panels, it will be cheaper in the long run. Therefore, it is worth your time and effort to make every effort you can to put up the panels as soon as possible.

Sunlight costs nothing. On a good day, you have hours upon hours of free fuel pouring down onto your PV system at 186,000 miles per second. For most would-be consumers of solar energy, this is the most enticing benefit. Once your system is up and going, your source of power is free.

You won't have to own a huge home, but a sufficient solar system isn't going to fit on the roof of a small row house. If so, the government would have already installed them on their publicly funded projects, and they'd decree that the HOA must. The fact of the matter is that you need sufficient roof space to install a system that is quite large.

However, a single solar cell can barely power a flashlight, much less you home. That is why many of these small solar cells are wired together into solar panels, and these panels all work together to create the solar array that powers your home. The reason why you can even have a small solar installation in your home is because of this expandable property of solar energy. If you could only use a single cell to power a device, you would have to have a huge solar cell for each device in your home, which would simply be too cumbersome.

One way that you can harness the power of the sun without having to put thousands of dollars toward solar panels is by purchasing small outdoor lamps that utilize solar power. While this may seem minuscule, it is a cost effective way to light the outside of your home during night and it is a way that you can begin to be more conscious of the environment.

Remember these tips and do more research about solar power. Stay up to date with innovations in this field; new products should appear on the market and make solar power more affordable in the next few years.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Energy Efficiency Key For Homes Wanting Solar Panels

By Phillip Cote

With the concerns many have about what pollution has done to our environment, you are probably looking for ways to leave as little of an impact as possible. If you can not afford to use solar panels to provide energy for your entire home there are still things that you can do. Continue reading this article to learn about inexpensive ways to put the sun's rays to use.

Solar cells are becoming a lot more popular around the world. As the technology advances, cells are becoming far more efficient. They have grids ready made out there that can easily attach to your roof. The biggest drawback, of course, is the high price of purchasing this type of rig.

Find out about tax incentives to help you pay for your solar panels. This takes a lot of research. There are federal incentives for solar energy, and individual states have also gotten into the act to varying degrees. Even some local cities have incentives available for those who choose to power their homes with solar energy. Find out what you are eligible for, so you can get as much help as you can.

The three types of photovoltaic solar panels that are available are mono-crystalline, multi-crystalline and amorphous. Though they are all made of silicon, the difference is in the treatment of silicon and the method used to create the solar cells.

If your solar panel installation has gone smoothly, you'll soon be enjoying a reliable on-site energy source of your very own. Keep track of your panels' performance from month to month and chart exactly how much money you're saving on electricity. If conditions are ideal, you might actually be generating a surplus of energy, and this can often be sold back to the power company! You will see that your power production dips during the colder months. This is not due to lower temperatures (winter sunlight is just as effective as summer sunlight) but to the increased cloud cover common in winter.

You have to find out what permits you need in order to have solar panels on your home. Check with your city or town as to what the laws are regarding alterations to your home.

With any type of construction some areas require certain licenses and permits. You will need to find out if there are any special requirements for the area you live in. Without following the rules in your area, you could get into quite a bit of trouble (even if you did not know about the rule).

Once you know the basics and have continued your research of the solar energy industry, you are going to find the rest of the process will go fairly smoothly. The sooner you install, the more money you're immediately going to start saving. Come out from under the power company, and use clean energy. Protect your wallet and the environment. Remember these helpful tips as you carry out your solar energy plan for your home.

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