Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tips To Build Your Own Solar Panels

By Ben Sparks

There are a few tips before you start to build your own solar panels that will save you a lot of time and money. Having a plan in place and doing the necessary research on both the panels and local building codes will avoid problems in completing your project. There are different codes for construction and, depending on the size of the panels you are going to install, you might need special building permits.

You will also want to enlist the aid of a person who has experience with building solar panels in your area to learn about any issues that may arise that are unique to the place where you live.

Building solar panels that will produce enough energy to run a home efficiently will require specific plans. Finding plans that have detailed instructions and a materials list will be very helpful when you are trying to assemble all of the tools, equipment and materials that you will need for installation. The plans also need to include alternatives for storing enough energy to run the home on cloudy days.

Some people want to build the cells that are in the panels. If you are going to attempt this project, you need to start very small. An average home requires approximately forty-one thousand square inches of solar panel, or about two hundred fifty square feet. A cell is usually 4" square and it takes about 180 squares to make one panel. The cells are very delicate and must be tested as they are placed in the panel.

A solar panel project is big. It can be time consuming if a person has not planned properly. Installing panels that will produce enough energy for your home will be important. Some people decide to install smaller panels and cut down one energy. However, this can adversely impact the resale value of the home.

In order to maintain the value of your home, you will want to get plans that will provide enough energy for the amount of energy that the average person or family will use in your home.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Solutions Using Renewable Energy - Discover How To Use DIY Solar Energy At Home

By Gary Ashby

Do you want to discover how to use DIY Solar Energy at home with solutions using renewable energy? There are a couple of guides online today that teach homeowners how to set up their own homemade renewable solar and wind powered systems to generate free electricity. Renewable energy solutions are widely discussed online and offline today, with many homeowners like myself adopting these technologies to create free electrical power.

1. Benefits of Learning Solutions Using Renewable Energy

As fuel prices keep going up and is still expected to increase further, this has put a lot of pressure on many households' budgets. Therefore, one of the greatest motivations to learn about renewable energy solutions is definitely to save money. A secondary concern is that of environmental conservation to reduce our carbon footprints.

2. Do You Want to Discover How to Use DIY Solar Energy At Home?

Traditionally, only people who live in areas without a stable supply of electricity or those who can afford the huge investment money required to build the systems are able to setup renewable energy solutions. However, all that is changing with the trend that more and more energy enthusiasts have come up with their own DIY blueprints for setting up wind and solar energy systems for a very low cost at home.

3. My Experience with Solutions Using Renewable Energy Including Solar and Wind Systems

I personally managed to download a step by step guide online that taught me how to use natural sources of energy from the wind and sun to generate free electricity for my home appliances. It provides me with the exact blueprints on how to construct the system and also lists the materials and expected costs and returns I can expect from it.

Sunlight comes from the sun as a source of energy, and it falls on Earth every day without fail. The sun is a source of many forms of energy of various frequencies such as light, heat and radiation. It is possible to build solar panels and place them whereby the cells are in direct contact with sunlight, like on roofs. This allows them to create electricity to run the house.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

What Would It Take To Have A Wind Turbine At My House?

By Peter Hainz

The sole way of knowing if a wind turbine will work at your home is to have an understanding of what the wind resource is at your location. This isn't a question about if it is ever gusty thereit is perhaps gusty during storms, but that's just an observation about the weather. What you need to understand about is the long term average wind speed for your area, or significant climate information, not daily weather.

The quantity of electricity a wind turbine can generate is a consequence of how much wind you can collect. if you can solidly collect middle to high winds, you'll generate much more electricity than if powerful winds are a unusual occurrence only related to thunderstorms. So living in an area with a good wind resource is crucial to the successfulness of your wind system.

And similarly vital is having the ability to access that wind resource. If you'd like to hover down a brook on a raft, you must be in part of the river with robust currents. If you're in a protected cove off to the side and insulated from the stream current, you will bob around a bit, but you won't make much progress down the brook.

Similarly, in order for your wind system to actually generate electricity, your wind turbine must be situated in such a place where it can access the flow of the wind. This is why wind turbines are installed on towers that rise high over the surrounding trees and buildings in an area.

Tall towers are important to get access to the flow of the wind. Installing your wind system on a tower shorter than the area's tree line, or, worse yet, on top of your roof, is similar to floating in a sheltered cove of a brook : you'll sometimes bob a bit but there'll be small forward progress. There's simply tiny energy in low winds that you can convert into serviceable electricity. Do you need kinetic yard art or a wind electrical generator?

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Future Of Tomorrow - Solor Energy

By Tony Jallit

We all can benefit from the power of solar energy and wind power also. Just like that of PV solar panels, homemade windmills can be made from basic hardware store products. If you are not very sure what solar panels and windmills can do, just imagine them as being oversized batteries which can produce energy or power for anything which consumes electricity at home. However, opposed to solar panels, these windmills can be made at less than hundred dollars by utilizing novice building techniques.

With your house running on both solar and wind power a back up to your solar system on cloudy days or in the winter time. Having more than a single backup is good, you can always backup to the localized electric company. You no longer need to worry about the expensive natural gas or electricity within a few months.

Earth4Energy is an online product that shows you how to create renewable energy for yourself. Though it may sound like it's too good to be true, it isn't.

There are other programs similar to these that don't work as well. Earth4Energy uses both diagrams and pictures to convey the concepts. It's easy to read and follow, and it even has instructional videos that will help you figure it out with ease.

This system shows you how to build a solar power device and wind mill made at home which generates plenty of energy. The guide and everything can be immediately downloaded from the website. There are seventy-three pages in the e-book which needs Acrobat Reader at home. Within the actual manual, it has 16 chapters which have lots of instructional diagrams and pictures.

One of my favorite spots is where it provides tips on how to get a solar power free of cost. It's exciting on how you can get them without paying anything. The pieces can be bought at a local store or at eBay. The manual gives you information on how you can get them at prices lesser than market cost.

Earth 4 Energy provides the proper measurement and diagrams. The wire directions is displayed so that you won't have any technical problems. Additionally, the map includes information about the entire system and how it works.

All instructions are written with easy to understand language and shows you how the power system actually works. So how could it be a scam if everything is so easy to follow and comprehendible? Let me show you how to successfully create a solar system very easily for under $200. To see more about how this works visit

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How to Build Home Electric Solar Collectors - DIY Solar Energy at Home Book

By Gary Ashby

Do you want to learn how to build Home Electric Solar Collectors using DIY solar energy at home book? More homeowners today are seeking alternative ways of generating electricity at home, especially as the cost of energy like coal, oil and electricity continue to rise rapidly with every passing day.

Almost every individual and public utility are aware of the importance of renewable energy now. Some of the most common types of alternative energy sources systems include solar panels and windmills.

1. How to Build Home Electric Solar Collectors?

The method that I used was to download an online DIY solar energy at home system building guide. It gave me the exact step by step instructions for analyzing my home to decide the best location to place the systems to sourcing for materials, as well as blueprints to help me with the building process. Typically, solar panels would be placed on top of roofs to extract the maximum amount of sunlight for converting into electrical power.

2. What Are Some of the Benefits of Running Your Home with Solar Energy?

In this way, it also serves to cool down the house as it absorbs away the heat energy that would otherwise have been transferred into the home. Another benefit that I have experienced is that I rely much less on running the air conditioner now, saving even more money and electricity.

3. Review of the DIY Solar Energy at Home Book

The ebook that I had downloaded explains all the benefits and helps readers think about whether it is really a feasible investment for them. More importantly, it teaches exactly how to build solar panels to extract limitless energy from the sun to generate unlimited and free electricity.

Even though the solar energy system will cost money to build initially, the costs can be recovered very quickly depending on how much your homemade power system is able to generate. Once you have the solar electricity system set up, you too can start enjoying free energy from the sun.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wind Power Energy Is It A Realistic Way To Save Energy, And The Planet?

By Ben Tunk

Now more than ever we are attempting to uncover ways to save money and we are more troubled with the outcome we have on our environment. Stuck between the meltdown of the market and the wish to 'go green' we are looking at wind power energy with more interest than ever before.

There are a lot of sources of renewable energy for you to use. Many of them can be low-cost to start up, although there will be some initial expense and it will take time, usually only a matter of months, to get back your initial investment.

Two of the most widespread sources of renewable energy for home use are solar power and wind power. Both can be set up fairly simply by you.

To generate power from the wind a wind turbine is what you will have to have. These look like windmills and they come in several sizes, and even various shapes. The wind is turned into electricity and can be stored in a battery to use at a later time.

The downside is that in order to create enough electricity for your home you would have to have a lot of turbines, and we are not at the point yet where we have an efficient means of storing and converting the energy.

Solar energy is another great way to save some electricity costs. These consist of panels on the roof, or wherever they will get a lot of sunlight, and they convert sunlight into electricity. As is the case with turbines you will need to have a lot of panels to provide enough electricity to run your home.

Both of these sources of energy are real and practical for home use. Don't expect to get totally off the grid just by putting up a wind energy turbine or two and some solar panels, but you can expect to save some cash.

As technology advances the storage and conversion methods will improve too making these forms of alternative energy even more cost effective than they are today.

Using wind power energy along with solar panels can and will save you some money on your electric bills while at the same time helping to save our planet.

You can put these up in just a couple of weekends and it can be a fun family mission once you discover how to build your own solar panels and wind energy turbines.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nuclear Energy

By Ryan Hallett

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the different types of energy.

Energy prices are on the rise and it is becoming increasingly difficult for households to keep monthly energy expenses on a tight leash. Comparing energy prices from different service providers and switching to the less costly ones is an option that many consumers are trying out and succeeding to some extent.

Energy ministers from the 28 IEA member countries will convene in Paris to share views on these key energy and environment challenges facing the world today. Energy is everywhere in nature-sunlight, wind, water, plants, and animals. We use energy every day.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

Natural power can come from the sun in the form of solar power; water, in the form of tidal or wave power; earth, in the form of biomass; and wind in the form of wind power. Read articles exploring the technology behind wind turbines, clean coal, biogas and more. Natural gas bills would fall by $75 billion, which translates into $96 per year for the average home's gas bill. Additional savings of $28 billion would occur from lower electricity bills.

Natural gas looks technically strong as we should see a big drawdown in supply. I think it should be in the minus 180 range. Natural gas is and should continue to be an important player in our transition to clean, domestic sources of energy. However, it is no panacea. Natural gas produces only one-half of the carbon produced by coal.

Energy Saving Site provides alternative energy news, environmental articles, and energy saving tips. We focus on alternative energy because it is now being looked at as a means of fuelling our economy as we move away from oil dependence. Energy Saving Site serves both as a tutorial for understanding technology development and commercialization issues and as a central source for resources.

There's no doubt that the different types of energy can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, you may find what you're looking for in the next article.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to Make Renewable Energy Solutions? - DIY Solar Energy Cell

By Gary Ashby

Are you interested to learn how to make renewable energy solutions using systems such as a DIY solar energy cell? I am sure that you would already realize that your electricity bills is seemingly increasing every month and showing no signs of stopping.

As the problem of energy shortage becomes more and more obvious, an increasing number of homeowners around the world are starting to get worried about escalating prices and are seeking alternative ways to generate heat and electricity in their homes.

Using DIY Solar Energy Cell to Power Your Home - A solar energy cell is one way to harness heat in the form of heating up the air or water, as well as electrical power. This is one of the most effective renewable energy solutions that I am using today. The heat energy from the sun can be used to provide hot water in the house. To generate electricity with it, homeowners can build solar panels on their rooftops that cause a chemical reaction and produce electrical power when interacted with sunlight. It works similar to the way solar powered calculators work except on a bigger scale.

How to Make Renewable Energy Solutions System At Home? The method that I used was to follow a step by step guide online that contains clearly illustrated blueprints and video tutorials to guide me with the building process. In the long term, I am sure that it will help to save the environment and more importantly for me, cut down on my electrical bills.

Therefore, I believe that every citizen should start to explore and implement the building of renewable energy solutions in their own home to start reducing the environmental hazards traditionally caused by fossil fuels. You can find out about the guide I used at my website link below.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

DIY Solar Energy From Home Diagrams - Solar Generation Of Electricity

By Gary Ashby

Are you interested in learning the secrets of using solar generation of electricity and where you can download DIY solar energy from home diagrams? In solar panels, there is a semiconductor device called photovoltaic cell that converts light produced by the sun into electricity.

For most people, generating electricity is done only by this huge power plant located on the outskirts of the city, made up of smoke producing, tall chimneys. Little do people realize that apart from using the conventional fuel; there are other sources available too for the generation of electricity.

These panels are made up of several PV cells that are capable of delivering high solar power electricity. As gas prices get significantly higher each month, using renewable energy has become the sensible solution for all homeowners.

How Much Maintenance Do You Need To Do For Your Solar Generation Of Electricity Systems? The panel cells require very little cleaning, on average 2 times per year. The main reason why they require so little maintenance is due to the fact that they contain very few moving parts. Another advantage is that they can placed at areas where there is no grid supply like in mountain tops, desolate places and other isolated regions.

Why Should You Download DIY Solar Energy From Home Diagrams To Build Your Own Solar Panels At Home? Even though there are advantages and disadvantages when you compare renewable energy systems against conventional methods like using fossil fuels and coal, it is clear that they are very well worth building and worth the money. The main advantage is clearly the cost saving benefits, whereby my solar power generation system is able to consistently save me more than 60% every month.

Extracting unlimited electricity from solar generation of electricity - Solar energy will continue to be available as long as the sun is shining and has already been used to run some devices like satellites, aircrafts, ships, cars and many others. You can see the solar power system building guide I used successfully at my website link below.

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What Is Wind Power

By Arnold Thompson

We all know how important it is to preserve our environment and conserve natural resources. This has led to an unprecedented level of interest in using wind power and other types of alternative energy. However, a lot of people really aren't sure how wind power actually works. In fact, it's actually rather simple. The kinetic energy of the wind is converted into electrical energy through the motion of wind turbines.

Right now, it is sad to say but only 1.5% of the world's electricity use comes from wind power but luckily that percentage is increasing with each passing year.

With the increasing awareness of the benefits offered by wind power and of course, the peril we place our very planet in by not switching to alternative energies, wind power becomes a more and more attractive energy source. Some countries have made more progress than others - for example, Denmark currently produces nearly a fifth of their electricity from wind power.

Portugal and Spain have able eleven percent wind power usage. And it is seven percent in the Republic of Ireland and Germany. Even though it would seem like a natural transition being wind power has historically been used for pumping water, grinding grain and propelling sailing ships, it has only been until the recent years that it was being used for the production of energy that can be used as electricity.

It is true that some people say that wind farms are less than attractive - but given all of the benefits they have to offer, it's easy to come to terms with the aesthetics of wind power. Wind power does not produce pollution and provides clean and renewable energy.

Wind power can produce the electricity we need to power our homes and businesses, but there may be even more than this that wind power can do for us. There has even been a car developed which can run on wind power! The technology isn't quite ready for the consumer market yet, but it shows a lot of promise.

This super car starts with the help of a battery that is solar charged but it later gets its energy to run from circulating air. So since there are so many reasons for taking advantage of wind power, it is hard to see why anyone would not agree to such changes. After all, wind power could change the way we run errands and use electricity in our homes. Our planet will be saved and we will not have to suffer much for it.

Naturally, there are people who happen to live nearby wind farms who do complain about the sound they produce, saying that it is disturbing. There are others who are the neighbors of wind farms who claim that these farms actually are far less noisy than are a herd of livestock.

Whether wind farms or regular farms are noisier is a matter of debate. However, it is hoped that adopting this alternative energy will be done in the interests of society and protecting the environment, rather than on the basis of what the neighbors will think.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Recycling Facts

By Gary Block

The following article lists some simple recycling facts, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with recycling. We consider the question: how does recycling affect the environment?

Recycling reduces energy consumption, since it generally takes less energy to recycle a product than to make a new one. Similarly, recycling causes less pollution than manufacturing a new product, and conserves raw materials. Recycling management software is becoming increasingly important to operate an effective recycling business. The most advanced software enables the users to perform a variety of tasks crucial to effective business planning. Recycling your cell phone means more cash and less trash! We all want to do our part to make this world a better place and live more "green".

E-waste is essentially any old electrical equipment, anything from computers, televisions and fridges to mobile phones and toasters that are no longer working or required. Our thirst for all things electrical seems to be insatiable, hence our e-waste pile is growing faster than we know what to do with. E-waste is a huge e-issue. We have a very disposable focused culture, often driven to the newest and best by creative advertising and our desires to enjoy life.

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of recycling is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news and recycling facts.

Landfills are filling up, however, and disposal of wastes in them has led to environmental problems. Also, government (which had little authority over disposal of wastes until the 1970s) now has extensive regulatory powers. Landfills can pollute ground water and soil, and incineration results in generation of ashes, which must be disposed of properly.

Recycling our newspapers and magazines is a must. Some of us are even trying composting to reduce our waste. Recycling and eco-friendliness are two words gaining popularity across the world. Due to global warming and other environmental issues, it is essential for everyone to start contributing towards the welfare of the environment. Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which is usually considered as waste and reprocessing them. In this process these used materials are sorted and processed to be used as raw materials for the production of new products.

Reusing or recycling should be a major part of our eco living today. Some people would question how eco friendly anything made from plastics can be, but otherwise they would be landfill. Reuse your carrier bags, use them as bin liners or even invest in a bag for life. Even by reusing your carrier bag once more makes a massive difference.

As your knowledge about recycling facts continues to grow, you will begin to see how recycling fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing "how does recycling affect the environment" is important too.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Energy

By Jonathan Emerson

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.

Renewable energy is produced from sources that are replenished as they are used, such as the wind, water flowing in streams, rivers and seas, the sun and sustainably grown crops. In order to harness these sources and reduce our dependency on finite reserves of oil, coal and gas, renewable energy professionals need to understand the scientific principles of renewable energy technology and have the management skills to ensure that UK and international carbon emission reduction targets are met.

Biomass and other renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar and wave are desirable to power our future. Biomass - wood products, cellulosic feedstock and byproducts from grain crops - is being evaluated throughout the state to include gases containing carbon from decomposing landfill material. But timber and grain are the focus, and the interest fluctuates with commodity prices.

The more authentic information about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy you know, the more likely people are to consider you a solar energy expert. Read on for even more energy facts that you can share.

Geothermal energy is made first of all by radioactive disintegration in the Earth. Geothermal power can be used to generate electricity at 12:1. Nuclear energy is somewhere between 5:1 and 12:1. Geothermal energy, or energy generated from the heat stored in the ground, is another up-and-coming alternative energy source. To harness this energy, consumers can install a heat pump in their yards to transfer heat from the ground to the house in the winter time, and divert heat from the house to the ground during the summer.

Solar energy is also a resource that is infinite and renewable and as long as the sun is shining there is always going to be a lot of energy available. Using solar energy hardly requires any maintenance other than keeping the solar panels in good order. Solar energy is a renewable and inexhaustible source of powerful energy that is derived from the sun. Science tells us that the Sun isn't in jeopardy of dying on us for at least a couple of billion years.

Alternative energy only gets attention when oil prices are high. This is with last year's oil price spike still fresh. Alternative energy is becoming more prominent now, and environmental concern is no longer for the "tree huggers". People are starting to wake up and see that our planet is slowly being destroyed by pollution and lack of responsibility. Alternative energy: the cost of going green: can we afford to pursue renewable energy? Can we afford not to?

Take time to consider the points presented above to help answer how does solar energy work. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

HomeMade Wind Generator - What You Need To Consider

By Tim Hover

As the Sun heats the Earth, in an uneven manor it creates moving currents, this gives wind it's energy.

A wind generator's blades are optimized aerodynamically to capture as much wind energy as possible. As the wind passes over the blades they will spin, this will rotate the shaft that is attached to a generator. And this will make clean electricity.

Because the United States is blessed with abundant wind resources and our drive to be independent, have lead us to produce more electricity from wind than anywhere else in the world. As of 2008 the United States produces 25,170 mega watts of electricity from wind. In the states 42% of all new electricity comes from wind energy.

Times are changing, It use to be that most of this power came from huge wind farms, that had many large wind generators. And one of those generators are capable of powering hundreds of homes.

Since wind generators seem to large and costly to the average homeowner, homemade wind generators have lagged behind as a home based renewable energy source.

The most noticeable way to capture renewable energy is to set-up a wind generator in your house.

To some people this in your face way of using renewable energy will not be very appealing. There is amazing potential in wind energy, for those that aren't afraid of blazing a new trail. Not only is the United States a leader in wind production, but 90% of every home based wind turbines are located in the United States. We have all the technology we need with us now to harness the power of the wind and it is growing fast.

In other articles I have written I show people painless ways to reduce there electrical consumption by 65%. Anyone wishing to save money or convert to renewable energy should start with reducing there need for electricity.

I know that the thought of building a homemade wind generator can seem like a mountain, that is better just to go around it. Rather than over it, I have been there done that. But the fact is today they are cheaper and more obtainable than ever.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Types And Effects Of Water Pollution

By Jodi Norfleet

Current info about the types and effects of water pollution is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest energy and pollution info available.

Solar energy is a commonly used renewable resource. There are many ways you can use the sun to save energy. Solar technology is still behind in efficiency terms. Nuclear energy poses the challenge of toxic waste. Solar world, for example, allegedly saw its sales in the first half of 2009 drop 6 percent to 401.6 million from 427.1 million last year, after witnessing an industry-wide 25 percent decline in prices.

China is home to more than 100 wind-turbine manufacturers and some 400 solar-panel companies. The country has quickly grown into the world's largest maker of photovoltaic cells. China's five-year plan that starts in 2011 will include even higher standards and subsidies to support clean energy development.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to the types of water pollution than you may have first thought.

Power figures, at 185HP are a big let down for a vehicle of the Oltre's girth. The Oltre salvages some pride with 456NM of torque. Powered by solar energy generated by a see-through polycarbonate root with attached solar photovoltaic cells, it's certainly eye catching. It'll also have a lithium ion battery for zero carbon emissions, and the built-in GPS navigator will certainly help you avoid getting lost.

China is home to some of the largest producers of solar panels in the world, such as Suntech Power and Yingli Green Energy. In fact, Suntech plans to increase its production capacity to 1.4 gigawatts by the middle of 2010, the company said this week. China is spending as much or more on greentech as it does on its military, hundreds of billions of dollars annually on renewable energy and grid infrastructure improvements. Those investments, if not vigorously countered, will effectively erode America's greentech industry leadership and secure China's dominance.

Electricity generated this way is known as hydroelectricity, and it accounts for about 7% of the electricity used by the nation. Hydroelectric power doesn't necessarily require a large dam - some hydroelectric power plants just use a small canal to channel the river water through a turbine. Electric cars are typically known for their fuel efficiency and environmental bona fides, not for their speed and muscle. Wayland, 47 years old, is changing that, and has become something of a hero to a small group of hot rodders dedicated to humiliating gasoline-powered cars.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about the types and effects of water pollution. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wind Energy The Pros And Cons Of Constructing Your Own Wind Turbines

By Ben Tunk

Wind energy, many people are ardently jumping on the bandwagon and constructing their own wind turbines for their home. But is it truly worth it? Can they seriously save a lot of money? The answer is yes, they can and the same is true for you.

Now I don't wish to give the impression that this form of energy is the do all and end all to your electricity needs. While it is a fantastic way for the average home owner to cut their electric bill by up to 80%, you do have to keep a few points in mind.

Firstly, you will likely need to have more than one turbine to generate enough electricity for your home. Of course that will depend on the size of the turbine you have, and your electricity needs. But generally speaking, a homeowner will need several small turbines to generate enough electricity so they can kiss their utility company goodbye.

An additional factor is where you live. Everywhere gets wind but some places, say Chicago, get more. If you live in a location where you don't get a lot of wind, maybe you have a lot of trees, or you live in a valley, you won't get as much out of your turbine.

However, since a wind turbine can be built for a few hundred dollars and since a lot of homeowners see a considerable savings from just one turbine, it may still be worth your while to invest in this environmentally friendly, completely renewable, free wind energy source.

It can be a excellent family project to build your very own wind turbine. The kids will learn to be grateful for the environment as they grow up.

For anybody who is worried about the environment, as well as their own financial health, utilizing wind energy can be a very cost efficient way to help the earth and themselves.

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How To Build Solar Panels For Power - This Simple Experiment Will Prove That You Can Build Your Own Solar Panels

By Carol Bell

Although the manufacture of solar panels is done in a strict quality controlled environment, for experimental purposes you can build your own solar panel to see how the sun's energy can be converted to electricity. While the most efficient panels are made with silicon, you can build your own solar panel by using cuprous oxide, a material known to cause light to be turned into electricity. You probably cannot go into a store an buy cuprous oxide but you can duplicate it on a thin sheet of copper.

You'll need about one square foot of thin copper plate, 2 alligator clips and short leads of wire, a wide mouth glass jar, tap water and salt. The utilization of a voltmeter, capable of measuring intensely tiny quantity of electricity will be wanted to see the final result. To build your own solar cell you'll need an electrical stove or hot plate on which to heat the copper sheeting. Place the copper sheet on the burner and turn it on high and let it sit there for approximately 30 mins.

As it heats, you see the plate turn colours and the heat will show the outline of the heating coil beneath the plate. As it becomes warmer it'll start to turn dark till the whole sheet has a black coating. After the whole sheet is black, turn off the burner and let it sit to cool down for roughly twenty mins. As it cools the black cuprous oxide coating will start to pop off the sheet, leaving a thins coating of red on the copper. This red coating is wanted to build your own solar energy panel, and while the bulk of the black can be rinsed off under running water, it shouldn't be brushed clean.

Using the alligator clips, connect the copper sheet to one the apex of one side of the glass jar. Attach another clean copper sheet to the opposite side of the jar. Mix about 2 large spoons of salt into hot tap water, ensuring it melts and then pour it into the jar. Watch out the water doesn't get on the alligator clips. The 2 copper sheets should be under water with approximately one in. left exposed at the apex of the vehicle to build your own solar energy panel.

Thoroughly place the whole contraption in the daylight, either in front of a window or carry it outside and reveal it to the sun. Using the voltmeter connect the leads to the 2 alligator and you can see the meter indicate the little quantity of power being generated by daylight, establishing you managed to build your own solar panel.

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